Argent Newsletter - Issue #1

All time highs for DeFi, NFTs go mainstream, the importance of Web3 and much more


Edward Wilson

Jul 16, 2024

Quick summary

Welcome to our first newsletter!

It's our answer to a question we're frequently asked by friends & family: what articles, podcasts and news do you recommend?

We've curated our top picks, and hope there's something for everyone.

Let us know what we can improve for next time. For now though, let's go!

🚀 All time highs for ETH and DeFi

DeFi's heating up and ETH's breaking all time highs. The total value locked in DeFi soared past $100B. Uniswap, the leading decentralized exchange, hit $500B in total trading volume. And our token exchange partner, Paraswap, broke their monthly trading volume all time high.

Uniswap total trading volume passing $500B

🎨 NFTs go mainstream

The verdict from social media giants is in: NFTs are here to stay. Reddit announced it's building an NFT marketplace and your Karma points will be tokenized. Twitter is integrating NFT verification, so you can prove that you own your NFT profile picture.

The wider corporate world is also jumping in, including Nike, Disney and McDonald's. Adobe Photoshop is introducing a 'prepare as NFT' option.

We are, indeed, all gonna make it.

🎧 Our favorite podcasts & reads

Check out The Tim Ferris Show with leading investors Chris Dixon & Naval Ravikant. They explain the importance of 'Web 3.0' and its potentially transformative impact on the economy and society.

With Web 2.0 giants like Facebook entering the Metaverse (see Packy McCormick or Ben Thompson's take), it's a good reminder that Web 3.0 is owned by nobody and open to all. Let's keep it that way.

We also enjoyed Vitalik's new blog post, 'Crypto Cities', exploring how Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) combined with NFTs are transforming the cities we live in.

Last, this article by DappRadar explains everything you need to know about blockchain gaming, a topic that Axie Infinity has put on the map.

🎉 Argent is coming to StarkNet!

Some Argent news to end with: Last week we announced that we're building a web extension developer tool for StarkNet. We strongly believe in zk-rollups as a way to scale Ethereum and we're excited to see how StarkNet develops.

Tweet explaining that Argent is coming to StarkNet

This doesn't change our plans for our L2 wallet on zkSync, the Beta of which has started.