Argent Newsletter - Issue #12

A must listen interview, how to read the blockchain & much more...


Edward Wilson

Jul 16, 2024

Quick summary

gm everyone - we’re keeping this issue short as we know many of you will have plans over the Easter Holiday.


  • Listen to an amazing interview about the future of NFTs, the risk of centralization, and more.
  • Become an on-chain detective by learning how to read the blockchain.
  • Proposed EU regulation might hold back the development of web3 across Europe.

Now let’s get into it all! 🚀

🎧 You need to listen to this podcast

If you get the chance to do one thing this weekend, we recommend this interview with Punk6529 on Real Vision. We think it’s essential listening. Over 3 hours, learn from one of the best in the industry about the future of NFTs, the risk of centralization in crypto, how fashion and NFTs blend together, and much more.  

Many are already claiming this to be one of the best interviews ever on Real Vision. You will need to create an account on Real Vision to listen, if you don’t have one. This is free to do. If you don’t want to do this, you can read this summary.

🕵️ How you can get ahead using data

The beauty of the blockchain is that all the information is available for everyone to see. But understanding how to use it to your advantage is a challenge. In this viral thread, @TheDEFIac explains how to use Etherscan, read wallet addresses, and how to use this data. If you want to become a blockchain detective like Zachxbt, then this thread is for you.

🏛 Will EU regulation cause Europe to miss out on web3?

Unstoppable Finance wrote a great thread explaining how the EU’s regulatory approach might cause Europe to miss out on web3. Argued, is that the proposed regulation contradicts the values of the EU and broader member states:

The problems with the proposed regulation are vast, and threaten this nascent technological revolution despite the goals of web3 aligning with the European mission. In our view they will cause various unintended, long term and devastating effects.”

The regulation applies to several aspects of web3, peer-to-peer transactions, and unhosted wallets, with an emphasis on greater governmental controls. Lots has already been written about this. But we think this thread explains the issues and how they’re damaging to the sector.

📚 What we’re reading

Hardware Acceleration for Zero Knowledge Proofs by Georgios Konstantopoulos.

The first profitable blockchain by Lucas Campbell.

Five Ducking Digits by Arthur Hayes.

💭 What’s happening at Argent

You can now track your profit and loss on your investments and tokens in your Layer 2 account. And we also have better graphs, token information and it's now easier to buy and sell tokens in-app.

Profit and loss data is now available in Argent on L2

Argent X broke another milestone with 80k downloads.And finally, if you like our newsletter, find more on our Twitter where we do anin-depth weekly crypto update every Monday.