With over 2 million downloads, Argent X is the most popular Starknet wallet. On Argent X, you can easily buy, swap and bridge tokens with low fees in just a few clicks. Argent X is your entry point to the Starknet ecosystem.
How to bridge to Argent X from an exchange (Binance)
Bridging your assets to Starknet from an exchange is simple! Follow our step-by-step guide, and let’s get your wallet funded. We’re using Binance in this example but the steps for any other major exchanges will be very similar.
Don’t have an Argent X Starknet wallet? Check out our step-by-step guide on ‘How to set up Argent X’. Step 1
Open the Argent X browser extension. To unlock your account, enter your password and click ‘Unlock.’

Step 2
Click ‘Add Funds.’

Step 3
Click ‘From an exchange.’ Argent X will direct you to Layerswap.io. in a separate window.

Step 4
Layerswap will automatically fill out ‘Starknet’ as the destination network, and your Argent X address as the ‘Starknet Address.’
You will need to select the source exchange, the currency you would like to send, and the amount.
- Click on ‘Source,’ and select the exchange that you would like to bridge your funds from the drop down menu. In this example, we’ll be bridging assets from Binance.
- Click ‘Asset’ to select the currency you will send.
- Enter the amount you would like to send in the ‘Amount’ field.

Step 5
Click ‘Swap now’ once you have reviewed your transaction details.

Step 6
Review the final amount that you will receive and click ‘OK.’

Step 7
Layerswap will show you the deposit information that you will need to put into your Binance account in order to bridge funds:
- Deposit network - in this example Binance Chain (BSC)
- Deposit address - note that this is not your Argent X address
- Amount to deposit
- Currency to deposit
Step 8
Go to the Binance Login page.
Enter your login details, press ‘Next’

Step 9
Complete your login with 2FA or iCloud passkey, depending on your settings.

Step 10
Click ‘Withdraw.’

Step 11
Enter the details for your withdraw shown by Layerswap:
- Deposit network - in this example we’re using Binance Chain (BSC)
- Deposit address - note this is not the same as your Argent X wallet address
- Amount to deposit
- Currency to deposit

Step 12
Binance will ask you to double check that your selected network is correct. Once you have double checked this, click ‘Confirm.’

Step 13
Review your transaction information and click ‘Continue.’

Step 14
Complete your withdrawal by completing the required Security Verification.

Step 15
Click ‘Complete.’

Step 16
You will see confirmation that your withdrawal request has been submitted. Click ‘Continue’ to exit.

Step 17
Once your transaction is complete, you can check the new balance of your account by opening Argent X.

Bridging complete
Your funds have now been bridged from Binance to your Argent X wallet on Starknet!
Now that you have a funded account, it’s time to start exploring the Starknet ecosystem. Check out this blog if you want to discover some of Starknet’s leading applications (Dapps).
We recommend activating Argent Shield (2FA) on your Argent X account. For more information on how to do that, check out this video from StarkWare.
To keep up with all things Argent, follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Discord. If you need customer support, please email support@argent.xyz.