We’ve partnered with LayerSwap to give you an easy way to fund your Argent Layer 2 account from a crypto exchange like Coinbase or Binance.
LayerSwap charges only $2 plus an additional 0.4% on each transaction. This is often 20X cheaper than sending assets from Layer 1.
How do you get assets into your Argent zkSync wallet? Bridging from Ethereum Layer 1 is too expensive. And major exchanges, such as Coinbase and Binance, don’t allow you to send assets directly.
Fortunately, LayerSwap has a solution. LayerSwap lets you send crypto from leading exchanges like Coinbase directly to your Argent zkSync wallet. All for $2 plus an additional 0.4% on each transaction.
You can send up to 1 ETH or 1500 USDC per transaction, with more assets added soon.
LayerSwap connects to your exchange account to send the assets.
How to use LayerSwap
We’ve made it easy for you to use LayerSwap in the Argent app. Just follow these steps or watch our video tutorial:
- Open Argent
- Tap 'Receive'
- Tap 'From an exchange'
- In 'Send', enter the amount of ETH or USDC you'd like to transfer
- In 'From', select the exchange you'd like to send from
- Tap 'Swap now'
- Register an account with Bransfer (no KYC required, just email)
- Once registered, add the exchange you wish to send from (you only need to do this once) - This will require signing in to your exchange or adding API keys (Binance) - It may also require you to authorize/allow a token and amount to send
- Authorize the minimum amount LayerSwap suggests via your exchange
- Confirm the transaction
Your ETH or USDC will arrive in your Argent Layer 2 wallet shortly after confirming the transaction.
LayerSwap charges a flat fee of $2 per transaction plus an additional 0.4%. This is much less than making a Layer 1 transaction.
What exchanges are supported?
Coinbase, FTX, FTX US, Binance, Huobi, OKEx, Kucoin, Bitfinex and Kraken* are all supported.
*Kraken doesn't have internal transfers, so there will be a withdrawal fee. Because of that, LayerSwap has decreased their fees to $2 + 0.2% per swap.
How does LayerSwap compare with other methods?
Here's a fee comparison between LayerSwap, Ramp and bridging from L1 (requires 2 transactions) to help you decide what funding method best suits you.

Start exploring everything Ethereum has to offer at a fraction of the cost
With your zkSync account funded, you can trade, stake, earn and gift crypto at up to 100X cheaper fees than Ethereum. All this with near-instant speed.
Let us know what you get up to.
Further reading